Friday, January 8, 2016

Meet a Resolution: Cutting Weight

So I got the idea to kick off the new year by doing some post on popular resolutions that never seem to make it.

So we'll start with:  Lose Weight

I know i've made this one once or twice myself, and its always unrealistic.  So let me explain something most forget when they say they want to drop pounds:

~It is NOT HEALTHY to lose more then a pound or two a week.  You heard me.  That means a max of 8-10 a month.  Meaning at the end of the year a strict healthy weight loss will average the 100 pds.  Sounds like a lot, but do you have the drive for that?

People go in saying "Oh imma work out daily and cut out bread" and on and on.  BE REALISTIC!

Say you'll lose 20-50 pds.  Something doable.  Something you can strive for while still cheating abit.

Popular tips to loose pounds:

Work out 2-4 times a week.

Eat healthy food.

Avoid sugar.

Drink plenty of water.

Stay motivated.

I agree with ALL of those.  But are they realistic?  Sound like it in theory.

Working out 2-4 times a week:  It sounds easy.  2-4 hours a week that you'll walk, lift weights, ect.  Now do it.  You have to stay motivated to go to the gym which takes time to reach.  You have to motivate yourself to walk out and around or use that ab buster you spent your christmas cash on.

Thats where it gets you.  BE MOTIVATED.

Eat Healthy.  Easy?  Nope.  You know that greasy burger you love so much from fast food?  Thats not healthy.  You know ice cream, candy, cookies, ect?  NOT HEALTHY!  Now imagine eating nothing but salads with no dressing...  THATS HEALTHY.  Still sound easy?  Probably not!  A serving of dressing is like a few table spoons to a salad the size of a turkey...  Toppings add pounds back that the salad took away.

Does this sound fun?  Eating no goodies just leaves?  I bet it doesnt.  So instead skip the diet and aim to have healthier meals once a day and avoid fast food 99% of the time.  Have a cheat day each week where you get that cookie and once a month treat yourself to that pink goo of a burger from Mickey Ds!

Avoid sugar:  Same thing... And FYI:  splenda and artifical sugar is worse for you.  Avoid sodas and try honey in tea or organic sugar in your tea.  Stevia works too.  If you cut out all soda then you've cut 50% of your sugar anyway.  Keep life sweet!

Drink water!  Your like 70% water and water keeps you full.  You loose water via sweat and other ways I shouldnt have to point out...  Either way, Water is great for detoxing, keeping you full, cant add pounds (just inches if you bloat..!  But that passes) whats not to love?

Plus theres also studies that say water can boost your metabolism and encourage fat burning and muscle growth.  There may be something to that since staying hydrated is the advice you get for doing anything.

And lastly, motivation.  That isn't a joke.  Everything you do, you wont do without a reason.  When do you do anything without reason?  "Well I sit and watch TV don't do anything" is not a answer.  Why do you sit and do nothing?  Because you either WANT to watch TV or you DONT WANT to do something else.  These are still reasons that motivate you to sit and watch TV. 

I personally never understood the term "lazy."  Because you cant really be lazy.  You are motivated to do something, even if its not what others think you should do.  You are motivated to not leave the couch AKA lazy, because you don't wanna mow the lawn, do dishes, or something like that.

So how can you combat this?  Well studies say you should imagine your healthy you or buy clothes you wanna fit into (never do that... I did that with some boots that I just needed to loose fat around my calves...  My calves actually got bigger because I have this lovely huge legged family...  Ladies, same can be said for skirts/shorts.  That fat may not be a huge hinderness now but muscle can bulk you up.  They may not look so good later). 

Personally, I say to use the idea of a reward system.  Example:  1 hour of working out = one bag of chips/ one cookie.  You know, its small but its something you REALLY want.  Just try not to completely undo your workout.  A whole cake is not off set by a hour of working out... 

Does that work though?  Well when you were a kid, what was the deal with veggies?  No toys, no leave table, no dessert, no TV, no fun in general till that green mashie yuk was gone.  I bet you ate that green goop too so you could enjoy that hour of fun before bed.  Principle is the same!

But seriously.  If you really want a healthier you even if its not for New Years, you gotta cut the fast food and soda.  You have to get alittle workout every now and then.  And ya gotta enjoy those nasty veggies your parents swore were food.  In the end though you'll feel better for it.  Every small step is its own reward.

Good luck to you weight droppers!


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