Oh, you heard me... I'm talking from a crafty side too!
These are things that beginners can do too! Why? Because sometimes a 10 dollar investment can be used to make a $30+ gift with little effort.
That sounds bad... But its true. Its still more effort then a gift card.
Gift Baskets $5+
You'll need:
A "basket" (Cups, Old tins, basket, ect)
Filling A (Big item)
Filling B (Supporting Item)
Filling C (Follows theme)
Three isn't just a holy number its the magic number. Rule of thirds, Trinity, 3D... I'm only slightly bullshitting here, groups of three tend to be more attractive. But you can use more.
So you got the vessel to put it in. Now you need the item that is the center piece. Then you need something that would go with it. And lastly a item that also meshes or might be seen in the group.
Hot Beverage Basket
A-Tea/Coffee/Hot Coco (Sample sizes will work but include atleast three, or even a bag of their favorite variety. Just make sure its enough for a couple cups!)
B-Flavoring (Theres Powdered Creamers, flavored syrups, even liquor if the person is a drinker!)
C-Snack or Topping (Marshmallows, Candy Canes, Cookies... You get the picture?!)
These sell for about 10 bucks at most stores but you can tell a store bought to homemade. Not to mention that you can make it for less or make multiples depending on the size and quality you use.
Ex 2
Dinner in a Basket (Were going to say Italy style)
A long shallow basket
A-Tortilleni (Usually a cheesed filled noodle. Pretty cheap)
B-Sauce (splurge and buy the more expensive brand, don't look too cheap!)
C-Bread/Butter, Dessert, Cookbook, Giftcard (To something like Olive Garden to keep the theme), even candles if its for a couple.
Something like this sells for like 20 bucks at stores! 70% of the basic wont cost you 10 and that's if you get the organic stuff. But you get the idea.
Ex 3
Movie Go-er
A Popcorn Bucket (the plastic variety is pretty cheap at a number of stores-they look just like the bags from movies!)
A-Popcorn (Kernals if they can pop them, microwave bags, jiffy puff)
B-Seasoning Salts for Popcorn (These can be pricey)
C-A movie (Even if its a $5 bin find, just make sure its not used and something the person will like!) Or even tickets to a show (Or a gift card to a nearby place if their picky)
This is easily $20 thing for a movie alone. But you can spend as little as 10 bucks for this if your getting a $5 movie. Or even 20 bucks for a basket worth double that.
There you go!
You've made a gift and it'll mean so much more because it required some thought and your saving cash.
Win Win
I'll be trying some of these for Christmas this year!