You know what sucks about loans? Especially for "Luxuries" like a camper that you live in? They are OUTRAGOUS! My payment is barely less then my rent for a 500 sq ft Apt in Atlanta... You know how much it cost to live in a bad part of that city? It cost waay more to live in the slightly nicer area! (in my case, near my college... It wasnt the nicest part but it was near town so 800+ with no features was dirty cheap...)
My payment isnt 800 a month but its about half that, plus insurance, plus propane (I cook so much I run right through that stuff! But no electric stoves were offered unless it was a 50 amp and with 30 being more common... I couldnt go for that in price or convience..) then there is the storage fee... Yah, when its all said and done, im paying about the same every month on a free lot...
But I know that once its paid off i'll have atleast HALF of that to spend. Oh yah... Thats my goal. Its like buying a house except this one can move and since it doesnt have a motor attached its cheaper upkeep (no really). My only issue is im getting free parking now. If I can boondok abit I can move between location and location... We know our battery can upkeep a few days if were not power hungry and we did okay with 5 gallon jugs of water into our reserve.. (Rednecks... They are wonderful, they rigged us up to pump from the 5 gallon bottles to fill our tanks while water was down! God bless them... Because I didnt wanna lug those heavy bastards up the steep steps.)
Needless to say, getting by isnt a issue but i'd like to do more...
I love blogging, I love writing but this shit is a one in a million home run for actually making a living wage. If my writing made me 5 a hour i'd be grateful but since I moved and lost contact to a lot of my freelance work im getting maybe 20 a month of this and my ebooks... ><;
Never fear, i'll keep writing here and i'll still put out books on Amazon. But I may have to do the thing I hate most... Ugh... A job..
The inch worm is SUPPOSE to be getting one... But someone got it in his head to start his own business so our savings are now gone. His anxiety always made it hard for him to be around others so I pray this new venture works out since his personality would make it a perfect fit. But till it pays out, i'll be getting a job.
And yes my friends, i've worked before. I worked before and even during college abit. But I didnt need to when I lived with him so I quit to focus on my studies and worked at getting contacts for writing and built this LOVELY blog. Well it started on weebly...
Anywho, slim pickings in my area... Unlike Atlanta (Hated living there but I did have a LOT more options!). But luckily Walmart is a revolving door and there are a couple places that take waitresses. I may even see about writing for the local news... I bet they could use someone under 45!
So yes.. This is my plan. Upside: More money, less time, I can splurg. Downside: I have no room to splurg, I dislike this area, and I have less time... -.-
The things we do to enjoy life... OYIE!
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