Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Updating on life..

Well that was fun.

Inchworm started a fire (thank goodness I use cast iron, so my pot is fine!).

We had to forgo the cheese sauce but dinner was still good and the movie and game ROCKED as always. 

He gave me a stuff unicorn..  I named it Pinky.  It now hangs from some rainbow yarn above the bed and it scared him this morning.

So I'm perfectly pleased.

Is it bad that waking to the sounds of screams is pleasing?  If it is, I don't wanna be right.

So whats on tap for the rest of the month? 

Well, I'm going to be doing some serious packing so expect stuff on that...  InchWorms going to work on his YouTube channel again now that were about to move.. >>;   Oh, and I wanna do a couple Lazy post where I throw some random pictures or Memes at yall and that's it.

What?  Nothing interesting is going on at this time!  You surely don't wanna hear ALL about packing.. And as much as yall love my opinion on current events and as popular as those post are, I get TONS of hate mail from that.  o.<  I get encouragement too, but you know how it is...  The loudest side is the one getting jipt'd and apparently I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to my own life and the experiences I share.

Bah, I know yall love my ranting but truth is I'm in too good a mood for that kind of thing and I wanna keep it that way abit longer!  :)

Till next week, I hope everyone's week awesome!


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