Monday, May 18, 2015

We interrupt your usually scheduled program to bring you... SPLINTERS?!

Cheesy?  Maybe?  Ya, it is.  But we all get splinters!  Especially if you have kids or young siblings, you might find this to be a issue!

Well, I keep getting them so I've been digging for GREAT way to get them out! 

Way 1:

Cut it out. 

Effective, yes.  Painful... At times... Especially if its deep or in a tender place... 

Needless to say, make sure to only use sterile equipment and disinfect the area before attempting.

Way 2: 

Baking Soda. 

Really, Baking Soda.  You make a thick paste with a spoon full and abit of water and just set it on the area.  Suppose to pull the splinter right out.  I haven't attempted this one yet, but a friend has.  He claims it works great but took like a hour.

Way 3:


Simply place a dot of elmers glue over the area, wait 10 minutes and then peal it off.

This SHOULD be effective.  The glue pulls a few layers of skin off which should include the splinter itself.  Pain meter though... Your pulling glue off what could be a tender area, so try to only use a dot worth and not a bottles worth!

Way 4:

Soak in Hot water.

By soaking the skin swells helping to push it out as well as disinfect the area.  Probably the safest and least painful method. 

Other then...

Way 5:

Wait it out.

Just wait, over the course of 2-5 days it'll be gone (depending on how deep it is).  Just put a bandaid over it and keep a eye to insure you don't get it infected.

You should NEVER do what I do... And try to yoink it out... Or claw it out... Or bite it out...  Would you believe I've never got a infection from self inflicted wounds, just ones I had no part in?  Off topic though.

So, theres my tips.  Got any tricks yourself?  Post them below and share in our horror!

I'll return you to your usually weekly post!  ;3


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