Monday, March 14, 2016

A War on Two Fronts: Wasp

I got a decent response to my War on Ants so I'm sharing a new war.  This one not so much being fought by me!  But by my beloved pets and boyfriend.

Being from the south and the country, I've come to terms with Bees being a good thing.  Living in Alabama most of my like, the pesting eating bats and wasps are also a thing I'm with terms with... Sorta.

Now late winter a wasp nest was built near our door.  It has now stretched and is a small problem when entering and leaving the front.

Me:  "Take the side door.  They deter the damn salesmen and landlord!"

No really, they are a good way to keep anyone from busting in the front.  My door knob is scratched to hell because what I'm sure are the freaking neighbors trying to pick their way in while I'm walking the dogs. 

Plus the landlord is bothered since he cant easily get in to do his 'checks.'  Or remind us that the rent is due in a week (like were ever late...)

And I hate to say it, but its as effective as dogs for keeping the Mormons away!  I'm sorry to any who wanna follow that but I don't and I really hate having one try to push into my house to lecture me and convert me.  NO ONE wants to stand at their door being bored after telling you "no, I'm happy with my religion."  And they ESPECIALLY don't want to get pushed out of the way so they can the person lecturing can be more comfy as they tell you how your wrong their right...  There's just a right and wrong way to do things and the ones that patrol my apartments do it the wrong way.  No offense to other Mormons, but you can understand why i'd wanna keep them away.

Now that I'm done being politically correct (Have I ever mentioned I dislike having to do that when I rarely mean offense with what I say?  >.<  Guess I got another post to rant on!).

So, our front door still opens now and then or these wasps find there way in...  And to be fair, they started this war.

So these aggressive red wasp decide "ATTACK!" and stung Inch Worm in the stomach and the top of his foot.  My sweet Shepard mix decides to go on the offense.  She kills two by smashing one with her paw (and him in the process) and bites another.  But that last one... It caught her in the eye.  it suffered a fate worse then death.  The doggy style 100 fist of doom.

Basically she reared up, knocked it down and then started slamming both paws over it.  Over and over.  It was not a bug.  It was a paste.  And then it was nothing left.

My poor baby looked like she'd been boxing with a huge swollen eye.  Since then shes killed with a vengeance.

Inch worm spent a hour whining while I attempted to pull out the two stingers and cool the fire (if you've never been stung, red wasp have a venom and it feels like fire and tends to swell really bad.)

Once the first aid was done he took over my pinterest and went crafty making wasp traps, homemade poisons, ect.  You know, all that stuff he made fun of me for.

Now my home is full of dead wasp (and ants) and one wall actually buzzes because of all the traps.

My dog also looks like a beat up punching bag... Shes not allergic but they do love to go for her eyes... 

My boyfriend can get his arse handed to him but my puppy I'm protecting.  So I have recently joyed the war.

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