Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Pinterest, for blogs and business!

Oh yes.  I'm getting hits thanks to PINTEREST.

Apparently its not just for crafts.  HA!

If you haven't been there before, Pinterest is google with pictures and links.  Its a lot of crafts, tumblr, fandoms, and selling pretty crafts..

Well I've had a few shares to Pinterest and I'm getting fricking hits.  True these are mostly my recipes and craft ideas, but still!

So doing a quick post on ways to get hits on Pinterest (I researched because that idea never freaking crossed my mind!)

1.  Pictures.

Having a pic just makes it look more interesting.

2.  Make account, pin your stuff, other stuff, ect!

No really, share your stuff and poke others to draw attention.

3.  Be "social"

AKA, make friends and share it around...

4.  Use POPPING titles.

"History of Boring" doesn't sound as fun as "CUTE KITTIES IN BASKETS!"  Caps not needed, but you get the idea!

5.  Keep it updated.

Don't post once and never again... Content draws views.

6.  Know your audience.

This goes in pinterest and anything...  Cats don't mix with cooking recipes.  I personally make boards and have them for different things.  Cooking, Knitting, Writing, Business, Cute, Funny.  Get the idea?

I can hide my stuff right in with that stuff.  Promote me, promote them, have a list of things I might need!

Okay, I'm done being helpful, I got gifts to wrap...


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