Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Ugh Family...

So, those who've been reading a long time might know, I'm kind of on a rocky slop with my family.


A.  Live with my boyfriend (Living with means we must be screwing and living in sin after all!)  So I'm apparently a whore for that.  -.-  Even though it started as a way to save money and he's too into gaming to think about sex.. ever.

B.  No kids!  I was a single grandkid.  For a long time.  Then about 11 another popped out just as I started to lose the cute.  5 later, those grandkids are losing the cute.  It is my time to produce more cute and I just have noo intention of doing that soon...  Karma is waiting on me... I fed those kids Redeyes and giant bars of heaven... I have sent them home jumping, quite seriously, off walls.  Also:  If yah didn't know, I'm just not that into babies!  I never saw the Awe factor.  Maybe it was out weighed by the Ew.

C.  I am going to live in a tincan.  No one likes my idea of freedom, they really don't.  One saw my blog post (No really, my family is stalking my blog, and when they see this they will hopefully bugger off about a few things.. -.- )  So being from a family of farmers... The idea of living in a mobile or trailer home... Its taken as a lower class... Were low, but that's "White trash" to them..  Even though my camper has a TOILET!  Oh yah... We have out houses and tubs set over fires type of country going on in a few parts of the family!  Secondly, I hate beer too much to be white trash and I don't do drugs.  I'd try weed and i'll drink vodka, that's as low as I go... Next point:

D.  I DRINK!  GASP!  Yah, women shouldn't drink or cuss... I do these things... A lot.  Sorry Grandpa, but its a new world and if I'm going to work as hard I'm going to drink just as much!  But nah, I like the old code of never drinking, spitting, or cussing in front of women... It was a show of respect type thing and it was kind of sexy characteristic in a man... But the idea that a woman shouldn't do something a man does is outdated.

E.  Their LIBERALS!  No, really.  I lean Rep but my family is mostly Democrat.  Yah, farmers are Democrats... Funny aint it?  And why?  Because my grandma is a democrat that was raised in the city.  And to avoid fighting with her, everyone else converted...  They have a lot of Rep views but they vote for Democrats... Its a strange thing... I personally like something from both sides but on main issues, I always lean Rep so that's the side I tend to back while I try and figure out who is the lesser evil... The fact that I don't straight ticket is also a fun issue.

F.  I'm a writer.  I do blogs, books, I'm even working on some kids books and comics.  I get by doing this... Not rich, but surviving.  But that's not good enough...  I should be something paying triple digits like a Dr or Lawyer...  Or I should be a housewife.  And that's apparently where I should of landed according to them!

G.  They dislike my boyfriend.  Why?  He's a gamer.  Due to his issues he doesn't do people well... They think hes weak and useless... Their half right.  Truth is, he does YouTube and does atleast 50% of the housework.  When I worked outside the house, he did 90% of it.  He may as well be a housewife with a hobby but I appreciate the work he does do because it makes life easier on me.  They also dislike that he is very... City.  He came from TX but he doesn't do... Farm or lack of grid well.  Hes came around to the idea of a homestead as long as there is internet and electricity.  But that took a lot of work on my part!

H.  My dogs.  I have too many is a complaint.  I'd have more money without them is another... And Pitts are DANGEROUS!  I love my dogs, their great.  They keep me happy.  Their worth the 200 a month in food and the various vet bills.  Also, my pitt is as dangerous as a goldfish... He is actually snuggling now.

I.  They think games and books are a waste of time... I love my books.  I enjoy gaming.  This issue has made many a screaming match.. -.-

J.  I don't go to church 4 times a week.  I... I don't mind church.  But going every time there is a service isn't going to happen, because I have to work and I just cant be around living humans that often..  I am Christian, I read the bible more then most...  But I've been burned by bad churches (and horrible church goers, you know the ones I mean..) and so has the Inchworm...  So for us its a personal reason to not go more then spiritual.  I do hope to look at a new one after moving and maybe going once a week but at this time, I'm not and my family seems to think not going to hear a guy yell quotes from the bible mixed with his opinion means I'm a horrible person going to hell...  If you have a good church your in, then I couldn't be happier for you.  Church is as great as the members make it.

The list can keep going... But i'll stop it here before I rant my arse off.

So now you know why my family sucks.  Any of you have similar issues?  We don't judge... We just wallow in misery together!


Wish me luck at the reunion..

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