Monday, March 9, 2015

Normal--WHY?! Rant Time!

    What’s normal?  Who decides normal?  Why is this normal and this isn’t?  Why, why why!  Ah, flick it.  Your just crazy damnit, were all just crazy!  Were all different, were all confused… Hell, were all sadistic, ignorant, morons, and brilliant.  Normal is a Norm you strive for because your brain has idolized something. 

 This is why we don’t bat-a-eye when a girls walking around in the “mini-skirt” that you can swear is just a large belt!  But 50 years ago there would have been a civil war over letting her look like a harlot. 

It’s the same for what we do… How we act.  We are too focused on this “norm” to be us.  THAT is why you look at yourself and feel disgusted and why the “Perfect and popular” are so unhappy. 

So.. WHY be “Normal”?  Why cant we just find friends that like us as the crazy person we were born to be?  How do you decide what is normal?  Who started the whole idea?  Is it really worth following?

Lets take the idea of starting the normal trend… In the movie “The Purge” it was normal to let all crime go one night…  So, if all the “Cool” and “Normal” people said its okay to kill your family, would you? 

It might seem extreme, but you dye your hair and change your clothes to fit the trends, because that’s considered “normal” and thus expected.

But are you really happy?  L Take my advice.  Be you.

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