Friday, March 27, 2015

Trolls and the Internet, Worth the rage?

Now if your like me.... Then ya got a short temper and a itchy trigger finger.  Now you see theres where Trolls got you.

A troll is LITTERLY nothing but a online bully, prankster, desperate for attention, kid.  I don't care if their in their 40s, they never truly grew up.  These people get jollies off pissing you off and feed off the attention.

Now, we've ALL seen trolling.  If you can comment, you'll see it. 

Heres the kicker:  They just really ticked you off so you reply back with a witty comment.  They just won!

AYEP!  The MOMENT you give a troll any attention you give them what they want!  Don't Reply, don't even downrate.  Just report.  When you reply, you feed them things to use against you and get more attention.  When you downrate then they KNOW they upset you!  But if you just Ignore it or report it, then you piss them off!

If no one will pay attention to a Troll then the Troll gets bored and remembers how shitty of a life they have and falls into a depressed, needy funk.  In this event they will either turn the life around or go insane.

This is good for anyone with internet.  Some trolls don't just try to get a rise they actually intend to cause physical harm!  If you look at any well trafficked forum or YouTube video you'll see atleast one person going around demanding that another person kill themselves because they are "worthless," "stupid," or some other reason.  Often in VERY long, painful detail, even for a passerby to stomach. 

Bullying Online is one of the worse kinds of Bullying.  When its face to face the Bully can be confronted.  You can show force and become a threat.  In face to face scenario, a bully will usually run.  After all, you can hurt them then.  But Online their untouchable. 

So the troll, they hurt, and in MANY cases get what they want by running off someone or in certain instants causing them to hurt their self.

With so many young impressionable kids around you really don't want them to mimick this or worse, be a victim. 

So please, stop Trolls and Bullies at the source.  Ignore and report.  It can save lives and make everyones experience so much happier! 

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