Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Is it Roommates or Supernatural?! O:

Okay yall, have roommates?  I do.  Notice stuff goes missing...?  I Do! 

Is it your roommate?  Or is it evil-Other dimension Goblins!  OooOoooo....

Socks go in the washer together, go in the DRYER together, but you open it up... POOF!  I actually tied one pair together and they came untied in the dryer and one went poof!

Is this Halloween related?  Fuck if I know!  O:  The cursing IS required for this freaky, wide ranged issue!!  But that's not all!  My glasses, my cell phone, jumpdrive, food!  They all vanish! 



Well!  I set out a trap!  And I caught the little thieves...

Heres One, hiding in the microwave!  That's WHO took my food I bet!
Though I never saw it, when developing the film, I found THIS!
This next one seems to have been pretty brave, almost curious.  When approached it simply stared and cocked its head!
They exists!  I has proof!  Watch out for these little Goblins in your home!


Thank you for reading this, for those who are wondering the photos were a joke, the missing stuff isn't!  The first two pictures were really just my older cat Miss Kitty (RIP) who died some time ago.  She was a small cat, known to run off with your under...garments...  The last is a older Picture of my mothers dog BB.  I can truly blame her for stealing food, shoes, socks, and at one strange point my homework!   She was given that bowl to clean though.  I would make a sweet item once a month when I lived at home and the quirky pup always licked the bowl clean.  She is still alive and well with my mom!

I still believe in those Goblins and the stuff going missing.  But having 3 dogs of my own I know theres a chance they took it too...but they cant get in a closed dryer to untie socks!

So I stand by this!  Happy Halloween yall, don't miss my next post with Recipes that I both found and made myself!

Good luck, be safe, God Bless!


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