Monday, July 13, 2015

Post Exorcism

( As post on Weebly 3/4/15)

Few days later, angers gone (siggghhh).

Boyfriend has put away the cross. Im not a demon (now...) and thus not a threat...

He still threatens me with a catholic priest though when I get mad. I dont think my bursting out into laughter about it is helping. (What? It's funny. I get alittle mad and he starts threatening to get a priest!)

I think hes under the impression im possessed due to the OLD house. My friend told me once that it was haunted. Showed me pictures of the bruises and scratches she got... Told me how it really effected her relationship with her family and even blames it for her spiral into a bad depression and mental breakdowns. Maybe i'll share that next blog, after Im back home..

Well. Its still a old house. Creaky floor boards and if ya jump, it shakes! So stomping makes for shaky house. And thus, I must be possessed... Ya..

Well. THATS over! No more possessed me! I cant even help but roll my eyes about that one.. I get pretty ticked at times but im no where near as bad as a demon..

Am I?

Well, atleast I get some love from yall.


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