Friday, February 5, 2016

Dogs are not a robbers friend

Last time I told you how me and my friend were nearly mugged and had our bacon saved by some lap dogs.

Well, that wasn't the end of it for her.  A few years later she had another run in with a robber with a fuzzy hero to thank.

My friend was just starting college and was still staying home to care for her dogs and watch out for her mom. Who would of been living alone with just her terrier if she'd left.


Well being a animal lover, she befriended all the dogs with a 10 mile radius. One was a stray that wandered the area. He was a menace to everyone, chasing cars, attacking other animals, and even attacking adults that walked or rode by.

All but her. She started trying to befriend the dog in high school. When she'd get home, she'd call the dog into her yard, out of the street and away from the bus that he also chased. She took her lunch so she always saved scraps. The dog-now named Boss-knew this since she'd throw him the scraps each day. By the time she no longer went to school he as use to the habit and would be in her yard daily awaiting the bus.

Once she graduated though he would always be upset when she never got off so she started walking out and giving him dog food and leftovers at 4 each day when she'd of got home.

The dog eventually got the idea that she was now in the house all the time. He would lay on her porch where she'd set a blanket for him. He'd get food each day as well as attention so his attitude changed. He rarely chased cars, he no longer attacked passerbys, and even allowed children to pet him.

Because she had dogs as well he grew to even like other animals. When she walked he'd follow. When she left the house he wandered around marking the area.

But when she was home he rarely went far. At night he'd chase critters away from the house so she got use to hearing him bark and run around the house.

But one night there was a crunch of leaves. It was like 2 am so she assumed it was just Boss. But it stopped just at her window. Then she heard a cutting sound. The dark drapes hid the face but she could now see a hand trying to get a grip on her locked window.

She was alone in the room with the dogs in the kitchen where it was cooler. Her mother was staying out of town, and by all means the house should of been empty.

She knew someone was trying to break in but she was scared. There was no room for her to fight in the tiny room and she had nothing to use as a weapon. If she moved her old mattress would of made a huge wracket. So she lay there attempting to grab at the old knife she kept stashed under her bed.

Just as her hands caught the knife there was more crunching of leaves. She was now considering to flee thinking it was a second robber. But then there was the growl.

Her heart hit her stomach. The stray she'd been taken in-it was his growl. Her mind went straight to the fact that this guy had to have a weapon and that her little friend would get hurt.

"Scatt mutt.." It was muttered but it was a guy. The growling got louder and more crunching leaves. "I said get!" abit louder now.

Then alot of crunching as the guy ran. She could hear him sprinting through her back yard with Boss snarling and growling close behind.

Then quiet. She crawled out of bed and grabbed the gun she knew was hidden in the closet and loaded it as she went to the front. As a last measure she grabbed a light and shoved it in the pocket of her pants.

As she open the door she heard Thump Thump Thump on the porch. She opened it wide gun at the ready to see Boss. Panting with a cut on his nose, chest heavying after a fast run. She smiled at him and grabbed her shepard and locked the door behind. She search her backyard and then around the house. Boss followed tail wagging till they reached the window. He whimpered and lowered his head as she shown the flash light. The screen to her storm window had been slashed and busted. She could clearly see where a large man had been standing in the crunched leaves.

Her shepard sniffed the area growling while she petted Boss, assuring him he had been a good dog.

As she moved back to the front of the house she noticed a van across the street and a limping man crawling in. He floored it and she never saw the van again.

After the excitement she couldnt sleep and took Boss in with her for the first time. The stray had been very nervous and unsure but followed her in after coaxing. She left him to sniff while she called to report the attempted breakin.

It took a car 4 hours to finally get there since she it was only a attempt. By this time Boss had managed to make his way into another room. She told me he was stiff as a board and growling when the officer came in. She showed him where the breakin had happened outside and told him that a dog had run across the guy and scared him off. This officer nodded and took a few pictures and her statement.

They never found the guy who'd tried to break in but she now owned her second dog (to her mothers loud protest). Boss is still abit stiff around new people but hes always happy around my friend and always sleeps in or near the room the robber had attempted to break into.

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