Monday, April 11, 2016

Irratation of Rent

Oh yes, im renting.  Have been since College.  Sadly, I don't see myself escaping!

Rent is more of a trap then buying a house.  The only difference is when you rent your suppose to be paying for someone else to "fix" problems while you live under their rules...  Kind of like a more expensive version of your parents basement.

So why am I ranting?  Because I hate living under the thumb of a lack luster landlord.

As you've seen from later post, we're fighting bugs (and unable to really fight back with bug bombs without losing my deposit).  No, its not for my lack of cleaning, were not messy, and we have limited stuff since its a small place.

So im stuck..  Unable to get TV or any other cable based thing because it "can damage walls" so I use WiFi...  Cant hang pictures, had to have a Dr excuse to have my dogs (though they cause no messes-though I can understand where some large dogs may be a worry...), im unable to listen/watch things during the times that neighbors are home because "its too loud" (Bull shit.. -.- ), oh, and I know the sex lives of about 20 people, and I gotta tell you, I got enough info to help a few spouses sue the other into the poor house!

You know, maybe I should write a bloody book about living in this place..  I'd have enough info after a week.

Aside from my lack of getting to do things ( or have things), im paying just as much for rent alone as I would on a house payment-which would END at some point!

The Utilities are inflated out the roof (I think they "share" the bill between each section rather then per house), the landlord is nosey (I don't mean inspecting once or twice a month, I mean he's trying to come in twice a week and loves when im gone with the dogs).  Really, I don't know what he's doing but he aims to get in while its empty and runs off the moment I get back.  Is he being a bloody perv or trying to steal from me?  ><  I have insurance now because of it but the mental images make me sick.

Ugh, im just ready to strike out on my own!  Well, own home.  So expect more money saving, house and DIY projects in the future.


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