Monday, August 24, 2015

My mind...Is straining... Must. Not. Break.

(4/21/15 Weebly)

Im having a "afhrrghfghghthghfrrrgrrle" moment with YouTube.

Now, its been a long time since I've got to rant... So run if you don't want the rant.. Cuz imma blow.

Ever been on Youtube (What am I saying, who hasn't..) Well they have these FUN little ads before EVERY DAMN VIDEO! Well.. I get lucky. I get the same..Ad... Every f*cking, damn time!

Its not just every now and then, its just about everytime (and im on YouTube daily for HOURS).

I mean really, I know you buy so many slots to go over so many days... But really...

I think some of these games, movies, shows, products, ect buy 80% of the ad space for the day.

I mean im seeing ads for movies like "Duff" on my freaking heavy metal... Its NOT targeting the right audience at all!

Worse thing is you see these ads and think "Ah, that looks kind of cool." Then you see it a 3rd time "Okay... Im loosing interest." After the 10th time "Okay I've seen EVERY good part already... No point in seeing it." And about 20 times later "F*ck off already... I don't care." And 50 times later (not even joking...) "OMG I HATE YOU, I F*CKING HATE YOU! I NEVER WANT TO SEE THIS EVER!" And any time after that is a facedesk and tears of misery...

I'm so sick of it I counted... I've seen for the recent ads:

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. = 64 times

Duff = 103 times

And that's today alone...

I know you can skip (90% of the time) but its just... UGH! I understand the reason for ads, being able to skip them if their usually longer then 15 seconds makes it super okay to me but NOT THIS! Atleast some variety! Its just UGH! Its like a broken record, I my ears are bleeding.

And while im at the ads. Playlist: whats the point? You stick 20 minute ads in them and your stuck walking back to Youtube to skip it. I really wish they'd set a "Skip all after 15 seconds" button. I mean i'll take the extra 10 seconds to be able to skip everything longer then 30 seconds. I love playlist, I love being able to start my favorite songs and go work out and write. But its a pain to crawl off my machine to go turn that damn 20 minute ad off...

Okay... I have a straining migraine... Ughs... Uggghhhsss!

Till next we rant my friends.


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