Monday, August 10, 2015

Tips to Health: Do what Ya Love 2

(4/4/15 Post to Weebly)

As promised, another tale, that's abit happier!

My friend is Kirita ( ) a wonderful artist and very loving person!

Ya see, shes turning what she loves most into a career. She is a artist who actually makes things to sell Jewelry, digital prints, computer wallpapers, commissions, and a lot more.

Though its not enough income to support her yet shes going to school for game design to make her own MMORPG!

Outside of her 20 hrs a week for a local business she also Sells on Amazon, does commissions, sells digital copies of her art, sales on DA, and does a lot of volunteering.

She pulls in an average of 30 bucks a month with Amazon by selling her old college books, jewelry, her old collection of rare cards, and even artwork after she factors out her materials, shipping, and Amazon's Cut.

Her digital sales and prints bring in about 50 bucks! Though it might not seem a lot to you, but Like my e book those digital sales are repeat sales of one item. Its like spending 3 hours on a item that can sell for a buck or two a HUNDRED times! This is why e-books are so popular to publish for new authors. There is no material cost so there's a high profit WHILE you sale them cheaper! The profit just comes in slowly.

Then theres the commissions she does. Im told those are few and far between to be mentioned but theirs months where she eats pretty good.

Now this is enough to keep her up and afloat till the big bucks roll in but she does most of this in her free time like I do with my writing. The difference is shes about to go to school for her career choice.

She could be bring in the big bucks in 10 years time and living her dream! But for the time being shes making a profit off what she loves to do anyway.

Doesn't that sound like something we could all stand to do?

Till next we meet!


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